On this page we summarize the offers of the department #MehrAlsQueer, which we consider as pillars of our work: need-oriented information, expert advice, sensitization, empowerment and networking at the intersection LGBTIAQ* and experience of racism, migration history and/or flight.

Our offers
Directly to the topic:
Are such or similar questions on your mind?
- “Can you recommend a speaker or a reference person who is acquainted with the topics of LGBTIAQ* and racism experience?”
- “What literature on empowerment do you suggest for our queer BPoC reading circle?”
- “Can you put me in touch with a group of other queer refugees in Bielefeld?”
The #MAQ department is building a base of knowledge consisting of literature, projects, expertise speakers, etc., that are concerned with sexual and gender diversity in a migrant society in NRW.
Information regarding these topics are accessible on the #MAQ website under “Topics” if you have further questions, you can / are welcome to contact us directly.
Professional consultation
Are such or similar questions on your mind?
- “How can I support a client in the integration agency who has been insulted with transphobic names? “
- “In our CSD city association, there are neither members of color nor with migration or refugee background. How can we change that?”
- “How can we as a migrant self-organized group make sexual and gender diversity more visible in our work?”
We provide needs-oriented and collegial advice on the intersection of LGBTIAQ* and experiences of racism, migration history and flight. We are available for professionals in the field of social work, pedagogy, and other similar fields of work as well as for individual volunteers. We are gladly available for professional consultation, be it on individual cases regarding topics of multiple affiliation for example cases of clients taking language courses or clients taking part in the counseling or consultation offers. We also support teams and organizational structures as well as accompany them in diversity-conscious project and organizational development.
Are such or similar questions on your mind?
- “In our self-organized team of LGBTIAQ*, we are questioning ourselves about all other topics that we do not address in our work. Can you train or guide us on structural racism and the concerns of LGBTIAQ* of Color?”
- “Our integration center wants a complimentary training on sexual and gender diversity. Are you the right reference for us”
- “I am looking for a speaker or reference person on LGBTIAQ* and racism for a sensitization unit in our training series for counselors.”
#MAQ offers individually tailored sensitization workshops adapted to the context and previous experiences of the respective participants. The intersection of LGBTIAQ* and racism, migration and flight is central to this. If requested, either sexual and gender diversity or racism, migration and flight can be prioritized.
Are such or similar questions on your mind?
– “I want to start a group for queer BPoC/ people with migration and refugee experiences or background, can you support me?”
– “How can we in solidarity support a self-organized groups of LGBTIAQ* people of color/with migration and refugee experience or background in our organization?”
– “How can we in our queer refugee group educate ourselves regarding funding possibilities for new offers?”
Empowerment is the central pillar of the #MAQ department. By this we mean processes of individual and collective self-empowerment of queer BPoC and people with migration and refugee experience. At #MAQ, the focus is on support for self-organized groups and the emergence of independent structures. We support the emergence of more self-organized spaces for queers of color, queers with migration and refugee experience in NRW. We want queer people of color / with migration history / with refugee experience to speak for themselves in LGBTIAQ* structures and migrant communities and to become main actors instead of only being a target group.
Are such or similar questions on your mind?
- “I am the only (full-time or volunteer) person of color / with migration history or refugee experience in our organization. Where can I network with similarly positioned colleagues?”
- “We as an integration agency want to start a cooperation project. Can you connect us with local queer organizations that also work on topics of racism and migration?”
- “We are currently initiating a roundtable on LGBTIAQ* issues, racism and migration in our city and are asking ourselves what is important for good allyship?”
As a specialist department, we support networking at the intersection of LSBTIAQ*, migrant society and racism at the local level in North Rhine-Westphalia. Additionally, we promote expertise for experience- and dialogue-oriented alliance work. Among others, we organize conferences and networking workshops for regional and local LGBTIAQ* self-help structures of migrants, integration agencies, religious associations, and organizations.